DDP - Zverejnená diplomová práca

Dostavba mestského bloku a prezentácia archeologickej lokality na mieste bývalého dominikánskeho kláštora v Banskej Štiavnici.

Mikula, Jakub
Pauliny, Pavol
Gojdič, Ivan
Slovenská technická univ. v Bratislave FA ÚDTAaOP (FA)
Rok odovzdania
Trvalý odkaz - CRZP
Primárny jazyk

Typ práce
Diplomová práca

Študijný odbor
3507 | *architektúra a urbanizmus

Dátum zaslania práce do CRZP

Dátum vytvorenia protokolu

Dátum doručenia informácií o licenčnej zmluve

Práca je zverejniteľná od

Elektronická verzia
 Stiahnuť prácu (pdf)
The aim of the thesis was to propose the extension of the city block and presentation of archaeological locality on the site of a former Dominican monastery in Banska Stiavnica. The town Banska Stiavnica is in the UNESCO list. It holds an unmistakable character, atmosphere and natural topography, which were the main determinants affecting the project. The site is located in the city centre. The beginnings of designing was preceded by a thorough study of historical and archaeological documentation, visit the plot, analysis, and brief study of history monastic buildings. Method of heritage conservation was chosen according to direct and indirect values and definition of the determinants. Stabilization and preservation of archaeological finds; analytical presentation of the find condition; incorporation Ruins (during the presentation of the ruins emphasis on Dominican season) and covering buildings in new urban context that will follow regulatory requirements and eliminating the effect of the construction of the former gymnasium building; functionally establish the link of the Dominican Order. I have tried to respect the surrounding and incorporate it into the shape, and understand the dwellings of Banska Stiavnica.

Verzia systému: z 31.03.2023 (od SVOP)