DZB - Zverejnená bakalárska práca

Numerické predpovedné modely počasia v lesníckej praxi - atmosférické zrážky

Vojtanek, Matúš
Vido, Jaroslav
Valach, Ján
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene LF KPP (LF)
Rok odovzdania
Trvalý odkaz - CRZP
Primárny jazyk

Typ práce
Bakalárska práca

Študijný odbor
4168 | poľovníctvo

Dátum zaslania práce do CRZP

Dátum vytvorenia protokolu

Dátum doručenia informácií o licenčnej zmluve

Práca je zverejniteľná od

Elektronická verzia
VOJTANEK, Matúš: The numerical models of weather forecast in forestry practise - atmospheric precipitation (Bachelor work). Technical University in Zvolen. Faculty of forestry. Department of natural environment. Tutor: Ing. Jaroslav Vido, PhDThis work is devoted to the use of numerical weather forecasting models in forestry operations, first of all their purpose and principle are described. Currently, various model sused to be applied e.g. GFS (Global Forecast System), ECMWF (European Centre for Medium – Range Weather Forecas), or in our country extended model ALADIN (Aire Limitée, Adaptation Dynamique, Development International – Meteo France). The Numerical Weather Model is a computer program that simulates the development of atmosphere in space and time. In forest practice it is often necessary to know the prediction of the weather which is not always accurate. Therefore, the aim of this work is to observe the sum of precipitation for the selected areas and to determine with which precedence the ECMWF model is accurate. We found that the 10-day prediction was not consistent with the observations within the individual days, but was consistent with the amount of crashes that had fallen in the area over a period of time.

Verzia systému: z 31.03.2023 (od SVOP)