DZB - Zverejnená bakalárska práca

Aktivizácia škodlivých činiteľov po vetrovej kalamite - riziká a protiopatrenia.

Garnek, Martin
Kodrík, Milan
Hlaváč, Pavol
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene LF KIOLK (LF)
Rok odovzdania
Počet strán
50strán. s
Trvalý odkaz - CRZP
Primárny jazyk

Typ práce
Bakalárska práca

Študijný odbor
4219 | *lesníctvo

Dátum zaslania práce do CRZP

Dátum vytvorenia protokolu

Dátum doručenia informácií o licenčnej zmluve

Práca je zverejniteľná od

Elektronická verzia
 Stiahnuť prácu (pdf)
Kľúčové slová (ostatné):
GARNEK, Martin: Activation of harmful factors after wind calamity - risks and co-untermeasures. [Bachelor thesis]. – Technical university in Zvolen, Faculty of Forestry; Department of Integrated Forest and Landscape Protection. – Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Milan Kodrík, CSc. Qualification level : bachelor. Zvolen: Faculty of Forestry TUZVO, 2021. 56 p. In my bachelor thesis I deal with current issues of harmful factors affecting the fo-rest. The most dangerous is the wind, which refutes the forests every year, especially spruce forests. They provide ideal conditions for the development and reproduction of the bark beetles. When these bark beetles are overgrowth, they also attack the surrounding undamaged and healthy trees. The bachelor's thesis describes in more details the harmful factors affecting the forest, which are mainly the wind that causes extensive calamities but also snow and icing. It characterizes the situation after the any wind calamity, but also the largest wind calamity in Slovakia on November 19, 2004. In next part of the thesis you can find description of the most important representatives of the bark beetles, their bionomy, a description of their species and its developmental stages and description of damage to the tree. Risks that may arise after wind calamity, especially the risk of forest fires and the overgrowth of bark beetles. Countermeasures of calamity, fires and overgrowth of biotic pests. The best measure against the wind calamities is the diversity of forests and thus greater stability of them, also because of that spruce monoculture are most affected by wind calamities. Prevention in the form of forest hygiene is the best fight against the overgrowth of bark beetles. Forest hygiene consist of the early removal of infested trees and thus preventing the overgrowth of pests.

Verzia systému: z 31.03.2023 (od SVOP)