DZB - Zverejnená bakalárska práca

Ekologické a environmentálne problémy vo veľkoplošných chránených územiach Slovenska

Černajová, Zuzana
Škvareninová, Jana
Zacharová, Andrea
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene FEE KEI (FEE)
Rok odovzdania
Počet strán
Trvalý odkaz - CRZP
Primárny jazyk

Typ práce
Bakalárska práca

Študijný odbor
1610 | *ekologické a environmentálne vedy

Dátum zaslania práce do CRZP

Dátum vytvorenia protokolu

Dátum doručenia informácií o licenčnej zmluve

Práca je zverejniteľná od

Elektronická verzia
This dissertation focuses on the review of information about ecological and environmental problems in large-scale protected landscape areas with emphasis on the protection of ecosystems in the world as well as in Slovakia. The first part of this piece of work provides the information about the ecosystems and their functions, a division of protected landscape areas, according to both, the IUCN and Slovak Republic; about the international conventions in the world as well as in Slovakia, the law related to living environment, and about environmental criminal activity. The second part provides the information about the illegal harvesting and deforestation, illegal fishing, illegal dealing with both, the fauna and flora, and about poaching in the world. Then it provides the information about an evaluation of ecological and environmental problems in protected landscape areas in Slovakia, focused on a loss of biodiversity, illegal timber harvesting, water-flow purity, illegal dumping grounds, environmental criminality, efficient nature protection, the removing of adverse effects on water-flows, environmental education, nature trails, geoparks, security against the illegal capturing of both, animal and plant species, strengthening the relationships and cooperation of State Nature Conservancy (SNC) with the police. Benefit of this dissertation is a wholesome overview of the problems in large-scale protected landscape areas related to environmental criminal activity, a strategy of environmental politics for improvement of the current status quo, and the strengthening of biodiversity in the large-scale protected landscape areas.

Verzia systému: z 31.03.2023 (od SVOP)