DDZ - Zverejnená dizertačná práca

Urbanizmus 20.storočia na Slovensku. Prípadová štúdia Bratislavy.

Horák, Peter
Kováč, Bohumil
Kopáčik, GabrielVodrážka, Peter
Slovenská technická univ. v Bratislave FA ÚUaUP (FA)
Rok odovzdania
Trvalý odkaz - CRZP
Primárny jazyk

Typ práce
Dizertačná práca

Študijný odbor
3507 | *architektúra a urbanizmus

Dátum zaslania práce do CRZP

Dátum vytvorenia protokolu

Dátum doručenia informácií o licenčnej zmluve

Práca je zverejniteľná od

Elektronická verzia
 Stiahnuť prácu (pdf)
The dissertation thesis captures two levels in the development of the city Bratislava. Spatial, regulatory and directional plans represent the element of vision. Urban visions drive the development of the city, stimulate and regulate the growth, conception and localization of urban fabric, bring new impulses that change over time. Development of the urban fabric is an element of reality, where visions of spatial plans were applied or not. Two primary factors are compared, the city as a vision of spatial plans and the city as a realized structure. To create sufficient clarity of comparison of the city's development, there was chosen a structure consisting a view on every 10-year stage. These 10-year stages describe not only the development of the urban fabric, but also describe changes in spatial planning, changes in waterways and water areas, changes in road infrastructure and changes in railway infrastructure. The stages are based on historical mappings of the territory.In order to better understand the development of the city and its planning, it is also appropriate to know the economic, social, political, natural, technical and historical impacts. Therefore, the dissertation thesis describes not only the general conditions formed at the beginning of the 20th century and its process, but also the individual 10-year stages, which more closely characterize economic and policial conditions, geopolitical situation, spatial planning, development of the urban fabric of the city, planning and examples of specific constructions. Reader receives overall informations on the elements affecting the development of the urban fabric and the formation of spatial planning ideas.In conclusion, the thesis deals with generalization of spatial planning principles throughout 20th century, analyzes individual elements occurring in plans. In the spreadsheet, there are summed up identical visions or sets of ideas of spatial planning, which indivitually occur in 10-year stages. The spreadsheet also monitors implementation of planning visions, some of which have never been realized, some only partially, others have been realized completely. Some views on the territory changed over time and have transformed, some plans and intentions occurred and then disappeared for several decades until they were restored again. Some elements in planning have been considered over the centuries, but their implementation has not yet come. Last parst of the research focuses on describing of elements of visions during the time, defining ideas in planning, finding common features and concluding to implementation of planned construction. In the thesis are also described author's opinions resulting from the conclusions of the research, which look at the possibilities of transformation and improvement of the current state of the city, finding new possibilities for effective spatial planning documentation and application of new elements in planning.

Verzia systému: z 31.03.2023 (od SVOP)