DDZ - Zverejnená dizertačná práca

Zhodnotenie vplyvu umelej snehovej pokrývky na zmeny vegetácie v lyžiarskych strediskách a priľahlých lesných porastoch

Mikloš, Michal
Škvarenina, Jaroslav
Barančok, PeterSchieber, BranislavVyskot, Iľja
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene LF KPP (LF)
Rok odovzdania
Počet strán
Trvalý odkaz - CRZP
Primárny jazyk

Typ práce
Dizertačná práca

Študijný odbor
4139 | lesnícka fytológia

Dátum zaslania práce do CRZP

Dátum vytvorenia protokolu

Dátum doručenia informácií o licenčnej zmluve

Práca je zverejniteľná od

Elektronická verzia
The main objective of the thesis was to investigate the influence of artificial snow cover (mixture of man-made and natural snow) on vegetation of ski slopes and adjacent forest stands in six ski centres in Central Slovakia over three winter seasons (research plots up to 1000 metres above sea level). On research plots under influence of natural v. artificial snow, the characteristics of the snow cover (depth, density, snow distribution and duration of the snow cover), soil temperature and moisture, phenological phase of spring herbs (blooming) and trees (foliage) and aboveground biomass production were surveyed and compared. A phytocenological survey of ski slope meadows and adjacent forests was carried out at the four ski centres. The results show that the height of the artificial snow cover is 4.5 times and the density is 2.3 times higher in average, compared to natural snow cover. Snowmelt of artificial snow occurred three weeks later in average than at surrounding sites with natural snow. The distribution of the artificial snow cover is highly unequal and dependent on the location of the snow-making machines on the slope. The temperature in the upper layer of the soil under the artificial snow cover was zero during the entire winter season because duration of artificial snow cover was continuous. On the contrary, the temperature under the natural snow cover varied along with the unstable occurrence of natural snow and was a reflection of the air temperature during snow free periods. After artificial snow cover had melted away, soil moisture was higer on the areas under its influence compared to surrounding. Different features of the artificial snow cover caused delayed flowering of spring herb species and delayed foliage of trees for several days and consequently reduced biomass production at the beginning of June. At the end of June, biomass productions were higher on plots under artificial snow. Using phytoceonological research, we have identified a variety of different mesotrophic plant communities in a relatively small area along with ruderal grass, herb, shrub species and pioneer wood species. Significant shift of meadow species to the adjacent forests was not observed and not observed was also opposite trend, except for spreading the self-seeded trees to disturbed areas of ski slopes. The thesis indicates the distinctly different characteristics of the artificial snow cover, that is visibly an artificial element in the landscape after disappearance of natural snow, and its direct influence on the vegetation of the ski slopes in terms of the changed soil properties and changed phenological phases of plant and tree species, what result in different aboveground biomass production.

Verzia systému: z 31.03.2023 (od SVOP)